halloween withdrawal

Ditulis oleh: -
Perhaps ironically, it is at this time of year - mid-summer - that I tend to suffer most severely from Halloween withdrawal.  Not in November, when my thoughts begin to turn toward Christmas.  Not in mid-winter, when I'm pre-occupied with simply getting inside out of the cold.  Not even in spring.  Although my daily pumpkin watch keeps Halloween at the forefront of my mind.

No. Oddly it is now, when Halloween really isn't so far away.  And I think I know why.  It is now that everyone else begins posting sightings of Halloween merchandise and magazines that are beginning to appear in stores.  Stores elsewhere, of course.  Never any stores around here.  And I've checked.  And checked.  And checked again.  Nothing.  I guess it just takes a little longer for Halloween to make it to Canada.

In the meantime, I continue to search for signs of Halloween everywhere.  Everywhere.  And if there was any doubt as to the level of my desperation, witness this sign of the season, which I encountered on a neighbourhood walk.  When I came upon this, my first thought was  "Oooo, orange and black. They used Halloween colours."   How pathetic am I?   I need to find myself a new Halloween magazine.  Soon.

Maybe the hoodlums who vandalized this piece of cement were suffering from Halloween withdrawal too.