wet paws and melting snow

Ditulis oleh: -
There are at least three black cats that call my street home.  And despite the fact that one loves to climb onto the hood of my car with his sharp little claws and another likes to come up to our windows and annoy my faithful cat, Lucky, it's hard not to love them.  Black cats are Halloween personified. Or perhaps that should be "cat-ified".

I was picking up my mail today when this little guy came trotting down the street toward me.  Stepping carefully around puddles left by the quickly melting snow on this suddenly spring-like February day.

I thought he was coming to visit me, but no.  Just passing by.  No time even to stop and pose for a proper photograph.  Likely had some Halloween planning to do.  And with today's reminder that spring is not far off, that is what my thoughts are turning to.