a tree's crowd

Ditulis oleh: -
I pass this tree every day on my way home from work. Sometimes it's deserted. Many times there's a lone bird perched at the tip of the highest branch. But yesterday, the tree seemed positively crowded. Although the bird perched at the tip of the highest branch didn't seem to care. Perhaps because he had snagged the prime spot.  There is a coffee shop within sight of the tree and I stopped for a coffee and watched them through the window as I drank it.  All of the birds sat there quietly for a considerable time.  Just sat there as if waiting . . . waiting . . .

I prefer my feathered friends at a safe distance. Like up in this tree. And on the opposite side of a closed window.  I have an aversion to the touch of feathers and the nearby sound of flapping wings. Issues which I blame on a chicken-related trauma in childhood. The Birds is one of the few Hitchcock movies I have never seen.  And I'm happy to keep it that way.