Thirteen Days of Creepmas: Day 1

Ditulis oleh: -
Where has the time gone?  It seems like just yesterday, the jack-o-lanterns were rotting on the doorstep, and suddenly, here it is.  The first day of December.  Time to begin preparing for the second-most-wonderful-time-of-the-year:  Christmas.

Of course, Christmas preparations have been underway for weeks already. As I discovered to my horror when I stopped by Canadian Tire back in mid-October for a few last minute Halloween items and had to squeeze past store staff unpacking boxes of Christmas ornaments and artificial trees as the melodious strains of White Christmas emanated from the store's audio system.  But no matter. With December comes the true Christmas deluge.  All Christmas.  All the time.  And this blog is no exception.

Typically, I like to begin the season by attending a Christmas parade.  There's no better way to begin the festivities and embrace the spirit of the season.

Merry Creepmas to all!
