Point of no return

Ditulis oleh: -

wine angora cape by initial, vintage velvet halter dress (underneath), damir doma thigh high creeper boots, pentacle pendent from etsy, claw bracelet from japan.

Today I feel like some kind of nordic wood elf, aspiring to be a mage or perhaps I have been playing too much Skyrim. Completing quests, exploring caves, slaying dragons with sorcery and enchanted weapons, sure is a life for me!

Anywho, my new Damir Doma creeper boots have been my most satisfying purchase as of late, they are truly the boots of my wildest dreams - form fitting and platformed. I have always been looking for TIGHT thigh highs but have been underwhelmed with ill-fitting options. Hence, it was love at first sight, my heart fell out of my throat! I thought I'd have trouble integrating them into my wardrobe enough to do them justice due to the designer's tailored and minimal aesthetic but I think playing on his dichotomy of looking fragile but acting strong is enough to pull me through...

P.S. As you may have noticed I have added a link within section in my posts, it's really entertaining and totally embarrassing looking back on some baby panache posts. So what's your favorite?