
Ditulis oleh: -

Yas Island Hotel (looks a but like the ultimate sci-fi exoskeletal placenta), it was surrounded by a Formula 1 circuit, we leaned out the balcony over the F1's every afternoon to watch them screeching past. We also got to ride the fastest roller coaster in Ferrari World just down the road.

Atlantis Resort, built on it's own Island. We rode camels and went on a 4WD safari into the desert to have a traditional dinner with belly dancing and henna whilst lounging under the stars with bonfires going and shisha a plenty.

Just explored the colossal aquariums that are at least three stories high, the resort houses. We then went swimming with Tina, the dolphin! They are such beautiful and gentle creatures, it was one of the best experiences of my life! Aquadventure (insane waterpark) was awesome, we went on all the rides, the water rollercoasters, which shot you upwards and even one that took you underwater into a fish tank, so you're surrounded by sharks and sting rays and pretty fish.

I'm sorry that I'm limited to the photobooth at the moment, but I'll be developing photos very soon! Tell me how your holidays are going :)