halloween resolutions for 2011

Ditulis oleh: -

As another New Year's Day dawns and I sit in the comforting glow of my computer screen, my thoughts turn once again to resolutions. Not the typical new year's resolutions, of course. I've long since given up on those as futile and discouraging. Rather, I am once again considering the preparation of Halloween resolutions.

My experience with Halloween resolutions has been somewhat checkered. Two years ago, I made a list of general ideas and projects I wanted to have completed by Halloween of that year and, much to my surprise, I was actually able to achieve most of my goals. Last year, not so much. Last year, I foolishly resolved to complete one Halloween prop in each of the first ten months of the year. Big mistake. Before I knew it, May had arrived and I was still working on February's prop. I should have known better than to be too specific in my resolutions. Vague and nebulous plans work best for me. Which is why this New Year's Day, I am again embracing the non-specific.

No idea as to what or how or where. But that's the beauty of it. With this degree of uncertainty in my Halloween resolution, it can't help but be a resounding success. I look forward to wonderful results.