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photos from sunset sounds last week

Highlights for me were The National, Sleigh Bells, Interpol, Peaches DJ set and Klaxons. The sky poured down as Cold War Kids played 'Hang Me Out to Dry.' For the rest of the night you could see the massive raindrops when the lights swept across the crowd. The gardens got incredibly muddy like that scene in the never ending story... ('Atreyu! Noooo...'). Heaps of people left towards the end of the night because it was raining so heavy but we had to stay for Interpol, trekking up the path that turned into a stream.

Next day we were totally prepared with plastic ponchos and everything, I had no idea it looked so creepy, everyone looking like individually wrapped snacks. Pieces of meat or something. Totally the funnest and most unattractive festival, it was great.

Looking forward to any festivals/want to share festival nostagia?