I have a cupboard in my kitchen that, when my children were younger, was called "The Art Cupboard". Therein lived colouring books and crayons and paints and construction paper. It was a happy place. As time passed and they grew older, however, the art cupboard became the cupboard of rejects. Sure, it still housed some art supplies. Paint and brushes and glue mostly. But it also became the home of the forgotten and the incomplete. Unfinished Halloween projects, materials for ideas that never materialized and other random failures.
So my goal is to probe the depths of this cupboard and its counterpart, the backyard shed of rejects, and use whatever I can in the construction of this year's Halloween props. I am determined to purchase no new materials until the possibilities of the cupboard of rejects have been fully exhausted. In keeping with my Haunted Garden theme, this might mean flowers with foil petals, bats with felt wings, and butterflies with styrofoam eyes. So be it. Whatever it takes, the cupboard of rejects will be purged.
This could yield some . . . interesting results.
Or some unmitigated disasters.