I have come to the conclusion that unseasonably warm spring weather makes me lazy.
This past Easter weekend was the warmest in recent memory. In fact, it was the warmest in distant memory. Temperature records were broken. T-shirts and sandals emerged from isolation. Children rampaged through the neighbourhood with Supersoakers. All this on a holiday weekend which sometimes finds the grass still buried under snow.
I had fully intended to use the beautiful weather for productive purposes. While it lasted. I would rake the yard. I would clear up last year's garden detritus. I would clean the deck chairs. I would go for long walks in the sunshine. The warmth would energize me.
Sadly, it appeared to have the opposite effect. I spent most of the weekend lying around, feasting on ham and cabbage rolls, and eating chocolate. I did, however, manage to fit in a long walk in the sunshine.
During which I made a most disturbing discovery:

The melting of the last remaining snow has resulted in the exposure of more than just grass. It seems that at least one local vampire is missing his teeth. This is tragic. I'm hoping he had a back-up pair. Otherwise, it was likely a very long winter.
This past Easter weekend was the warmest in recent memory. In fact, it was the warmest in distant memory. Temperature records were broken. T-shirts and sandals emerged from isolation. Children rampaged through the neighbourhood with Supersoakers. All this on a holiday weekend which sometimes finds the grass still buried under snow.
I had fully intended to use the beautiful weather for productive purposes. While it lasted. I would rake the yard. I would clear up last year's garden detritus. I would clean the deck chairs. I would go for long walks in the sunshine. The warmth would energize me.
Sadly, it appeared to have the opposite effect. I spent most of the weekend lying around, feasting on ham and cabbage rolls, and eating chocolate. I did, however, manage to fit in a long walk in the sunshine.
During which I made a most disturbing discovery:

The melting of the last remaining snow has resulted in the exposure of more than just grass. It seems that at least one local vampire is missing his teeth. This is tragic. I'm hoping he had a back-up pair. Otherwise, it was likely a very long winter.