Seoul Searching

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A rising architectural metropolis against the traditional parts of town. Bright lights, 24 hour shopping centres, kpop blaring and awesome street food as soon as you step outside the hotel. Travelling to the demilitarised zone and seeing soldiers holding RPG's on the side of the road, north Korea through binoculars.

5 days in Seoul felt like spinning around in cultural blender of old world, new age, conservative and tradition as well as forward and truly against the grain.

Seoul, Korea photo diary begins now;

More after the break!

The thing to eat on the streets, tried and tested; spicy rice cakes will have you tearing and snotty but damn it hurts so good. Afterwards counter that heat with a refreshing and super TALL ice cream cone in green tea, choc and red bean flavours (seriously at least a ruler in height) found around Myeong-dong.

Dongdaemun Market; at night, the streets are lined with bright yellow market stalls selling clothes (some trendy , nick nacks, k pop merch all on the cheap! Walking around this area, you can see apart of the Heunginjimun fortress wall (first built in 1398). There's also the Lotte Fitin which is open till 12am houses plenty of shit to make you look like you stepped out of a K drama. There's also the Design Plaza and Park that looks like a giant cyborg snail/spaceship landed and intend to start colonising. Sight to see.

Hongdae one of the cooler, more 'trendy' suburbs where the cool kidz hang out apparently. So huge but don't be afraid to get lost and wonder around, you'll find some great cafes and coffee stalls around here compared to the city centre ones! Vintage stores are hidden around the joint as well as a night club themed store selling trendy jap style club kid stuff. Super loud dubstep pumps out of a uv lit staircase lined with eyeballs; can't miss it, it's quite an experience!

The eeriness of the DMZ, tourist populated makes for a strange day trip. Highlight of my trip. Must do.

Can't take photos after crossing this line; you can actually see North Korea and use viewfinder binolar types to have a spy...

Getting around Myeongdong is as easy as slipping down into the many underground arcades.

Han River, stretches through the city center, at night buskers perform as people gather to drink and hang out towards the Dongdaemun. There's several wishing spots and bridges and paths all along it.

Changdeokgung, palace and gardens in the middle of the city. Incredibly quite and peaceful then there's a 'changing guards' sort of parade that tourists flock to and random actors pretending to stroll around the grounds. 

Hope you enjoyed it!