
Ditulis oleh: -
I'm back from my Euro trip (fresh off the plane)! It went way too quickly and now I'm sitting here where I started, on my latptop, in Hong Kong. It feels like it never even happened yet the past two weeks seems like months have gone. 

Anyways, here's part two of my Tokyo diary: top 10.

1. The walk to MOT

2. Hanging out with John Felix Arnold III at Spes-Lab, Meguro

3. Roller Disco for our friend, Dave's birthday!

4. Frequent pre drinks at Izakaya/ending plenty of night there too

5. Friends DJ'ing at Trump

6. Sunday Drinks at Yoyogi Park

7. Day in Yokohama, yum cha buffet in China town and riding the vanishing coaster, more like a death coaster (so old it could fall apart at any moment).

8. Masquerade party at the pong, late night snacks at family mart!

9. Carpark drinks, Brisbane style

10. How midgety everyone looks in the Imperial Gardens/Hibiya