Kawaii Diaries

Ditulis oleh: -
So sorry it's been a while! I've been loosing my soul working full time for a a few weeks, saving up (and playing Borderlands). The bad news is that this will continue for a few months but the good news is that I will be moving to Japan for two whole months then heading off to Europe for a few weeks! I guess that also explains some really good deals up for grabs, and many more to come, on my blog shop!

vintage lace neglige, aje romper, floral choker from my etsy, brooches self made, gun tights and white platform boots (coming soon to blog store), clear love heart box from reject shop

It's so sad to have one of my best friends on the other side of the world at the moment! We recently had a kawaii going away party where everyone dressed up as harjyuku girls, geishas, sailor moons, asahi beers, gameboys or just wore chopsticks around their necks. So that's what I wore, wouldn't it be nice to be a real 'FRUITS' girl?

Anyway, the exciting thing is that I will be joining her soon at the end of March. Sushi and ramen everyday, purikura every chance we get, cute packaging, tatami mats and dress ups is only the beginning! We will be there working or Spool Collective for a whole two months to see what event we can produce by the end of it!

Anyone want to hang in Tokyo town?