pollen party

Ditulis oleh: -
Okay.  I'll admit it.  I've been a little obsessed with my pumpkin plants since returning from vacation. I have ten days of neglect to make up for.  Albeit, ten days of neglect that they seem to have thrived upon.

But that's unimportant.

Because as I was conducting my pumpkin inspection rounds this morning, I discovered that I'm not the only one who's obessed with these plants.  No, it's not the slugs.  Thankfully, they appear to have moved on.  In their place, a couple of bees were simply revelling in the vast, open flowers. Completely oblivious to people sneaking up behind them with cameras. 

That's it, little bees.  Keep working.  I'm counting on you to deliver a good pumpkin crop this year.