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Macau highlights;

If you have no idea where that is, it's an island (and hour by ferry) off Hong Kong that resembles a bit of a mini Vegas; comprised of 25 five star hotels, more casinos and luxury malls than public toilets. It was historically a Portugese colony so strolling through the busy streets (packed full of tourists trying fresh almond cookies off massive bamboo trays and buying up all types of jerky and other snacks Macau is well known for) there are beautiful cathedrals, ruins and buildings of traditional Portugese architecture leftover as well as cobble stoned and mosaic streets.

1. House of dancing water; this was a $2 billion production and I wouldn't be surprised because of colossal structures (eg. pagodas and shipwrecks) rising out of the water. The performance space transformed from a 26 feet deep swimming pool to a dry stage to a motor cross space complete with ramps within seconds before your eyes. RAD.

2. Staying at the Grand Hyatt, I could get used to the bathtub overlooking the city skyline, the delicious red wine and jasmine chocolates when your bed got turned down, free flowing wine and spirits (especially the Van Gogh dutch chocolate vodka) as well as a mini snack buffet of every type of food you can imagine every afternoon during happy hour.

3. Burberry stud muffin.

4. Eating quail, a little bit creepy but heaps funny huh...

Sorry, most of my photos aren't developed yet!