midnight zombies

Ditulis oleh: -

I habitually go to sleep listening to old radio shows on my MP3 player. Hence, it's not unusual for me to wake up in the middle of the night with either the earbud cord wrapped around me or the player having moved on to a new track. Sometimes to another radio show. Sometimes a podcast. Sometimes music. Loud music.

So it was last night when I fell asleep listening to a 1950 episode of Night Beat. The Kenny Day Amnesia Case. A soothing radio noir to lull me to sleep. I'm not sure what time it was when I awoke again. Earbuds still in place. Along with the words: " . . . he was a zombie. You know what zombies look like, don't you . . . ?"

I'll assume the character was speaking metaphorically. But I didn't wait to find out. I tore out the earbuds, flung them onto the floor, and pulled the covers up around my head.

Miraculously, I survived the night.