A night that, according to a solid week of weather forecasts, was supposed to be dry but cold, turned out instead to be rainy but mild. There were still over 100 intrepid trick-or-treaters, but the night began to wind down earlier than usual as the rain intensified. No matter. I remained dry on my porch. And everyone seemed to enjoy the haunted garden. Even the unintentionally-cute grasshopper. Interestingly enough, some of the most enthusiastic and heartfelt comments came from 13 year-old boys.

And best of all, a smaller than usual crowd means more leftovers. They will factor prominently in my recovery from a weekend which saw Halloween collide with Hal-Con. I'm exhausted.
And best of all, a smaller than usual crowd means more leftovers. They will factor prominently in my recovery from a weekend which saw Halloween collide with Hal-Con. I'm exhausted.