
Identical, dissimilar, conjoined, I have always imagined what it would be like to have a biological twin. Would I adore her or hate her beca...

a bowlful of blood

As part of my son's eighteenth birthday celebrations, we went out for dinner to his favourite Chinese restaurant.  Where we immediately ...
Label : treats
| boy |

they're alive

The first pumpkin plants have broken through the soil. The Halloween countdown can now officially begin.
Label : pumpkins, pumpkins progress
| boy |


comme des garçons lace shirt, lover wine chord shorts, thick knit cardigan from hong kong, vintage platform chunky lace ups off etsy, werok...

eighteen halloweens

My son turns eighteen today.  Eighteen years of being every bit as much of a Halloween enthusiast as his mother. It was difficult to choose ...
Label : halloween memories
| boy |

summer reading

There is an historic home, not far from my home, which holds an annual used book sale as a fundraiser for its community projects.  Each year...
Label : classic horror, ghosts
| boy |


Henry Holland silk shirt, Zara leather dress, swan garters, vintage lace ups Freshly dyed hair! Started using Stargazer semi permanent rins...

pumpkin patch 4.0

Anyone who's been following my pumpkin growing adventures over the past several years might remember the heartbreak and the joy I've...